24 websites to learn JQuery scripting


JQuery is simply a Java Framework which can add interactivity to webpages. With JQuery, you can add anmations and much more than you can imagine to your website. And the best of it is, it can be run on all browsers. It can be therefore necessary that one learns how to Programm and code JQuery.

Here is a list of sites where you can learn JQuery

1. jQuery.com
2. Catswhocode.com

3. Css-tricks.com
4. LearningjQuery.com
5. DavidWalsh.name
6. WebDeveloperjuice.com
7. Tutorialzine.com
8. Prodevtips.com
9. Aext.net
10. Hv-designs.co.uk
11. jQueryfordesigners.com
12. Marcgrabanski.com
13. Net.tutplus.com
14. Buildinternet.com
15. Sohtanaka.com
16. W3schools.com
17. Gayadesign.com
18. Roseindia.net
19. Webdeveloperplus.com
20. Coldfusionjedi.com
21. Designzzz.com
22. Yensdesign.com
23. 15daysofjquery.com
24. Viralpatel.net
Now you can start up learning JQuery today.
Hope this helped.

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