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Obasanjo’s call for prayers
Former President Olusegun Obasanjo on Tuesday urged Nigerians to keep fasting and praying ahead of the 2015 elections, saying that only God has power to appoint leaders.
Paulo: Is he (Obasanjo) fasting and praying along with us? If yes, why is he having a pot belly? People who pray and fast are lepas; is he one? No! How long shall we pray and fast in Nigeria? How many churches and mosques do we have in Nigeria? We have them in their thousands and they have been praying and fasting for ages but only few are getting
the fruits of all the fasting and prayer.
Babakeu: The questions that you should be asking Baba are: How many times does he fast in a week for the purpose/sake of Nigeria’s progress and safety? Two: for how long shall we continue to pray and fast without our leaders striving to put more efforts on their fights against corruption, maladministration, political bitterness, selfishness and economic wastefulness?
Three, what are the benefits of fasting and praying without sincerity? The more our leaders pretend to pray and fast, the more they loot the treasury. It is like the more some imams and pastors pretend to pray and fast, the more they are looking for who to defraud/dupe among we gullible Nigerians. Anyway, we will continue to fast and pray as Baba advised. Shouldn’t we?

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