Mother Wants Answers Over Alleged Beating Of Daughter At School Read more:


AvaLynn, a Mississippi girl, was allegedly severely beaten by another student at school, and photos of girl have gone viral on Facebook and Twitter on Friday. However, the school issued a statement saying the girl suffered injuries while playing on the playground.
A Facebook page for the girl–whose last name was not revealed–shows that she’s from Pascagoula, Miss.
The mother of the girl, Lacey Harris, wrote on Friday night: “As much as my heart is broken for my daughter, I am also amazed by the outpouring of love and support from our family, friends, Oasis church family and our community. Thank you so much for your concern, kind words, prayers, thoughts, shares, and donation. We ask that you continue these kind gestures.”
A local police official identified Harris as the mother, according to

The girl appeared to have two black eyes and cuts on her face.
On the girl’s official “Justice for Ava Lynn” page, it says that she “was attacked by another student on the school playground. We are fighting for answers and for greater supervision at school.”
A GoFundMe page was also set up for the girl. About $1,000 was raised so far. reported the girl was injured at Arlington Elementary School in Mississippi, and the Pascagoula School District issued a statement about the matter.
“A student was injured while playing on the playground at Arlington Elementary School Tuesday afternoon. School officials responded to the situation. The parent was contacted and the student received medical treatment. No other children were involved in the incident. The Pascagoula School District remains committed to the safety of all its students,” the statement reads.
On Twitter and Facebook, a number of users were retweeting several photos of the girl. The hashtags #Justice4AvaLynn and #JusticeForAvaLynn were trending on Friday.
Pascagoula Police Department Lt. Jim Roe told the website: “The mother alleges another child kicked her child on the slide. Right now, there’s no indication something criminal took place. I have spoken with school security and an assistant superintendent is investigating the matter.

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