CHAN 2014: Jonathan takes Eagles’ feat to church

CHAN 2014: Jonathan takes Eagles’ feat to church
President Goodluck Jonathan has assured that Nigeria’s story will be like the Saturday match between the Super Eagles of Nigeria and Morocco’s Atlas Lions, where the former bounced back from a 3 nil down to win 4-3, and slide into the Semi finals at the ongoing African Nations Championship, in Cape Town.
The President said this at Winners Chapel, Goshen City along, Nasarawa Road, where he worshipped alongside ministers and top presidential aides.
He stated that Nigeria will bounced back from the
current challenges facing it despite the cynicism as a result of the present situation, adding that his administration was committed to change the tide.
President Jonathan said, “I assure you this country will cross the bridge. yes we have challenges as a nation, even the most developed nations pass through stages sometimes even more challenging than what we face today but what happened yesterday (Saturday) in South Africa  will be the story of this nation.
“Those of you who watched that match will know that it was not easy at the beginning, it was as if Nigeria was to be demolished but all of a sudden the young men came very strong and we won. That is how it will be with the story of this country with your prayers and commitment we will get to the destination. The promise land has never been an easy one for any nation, it was not easy for the Israelites and I promise that myself and my colleagues will continue to do what is right for this country.
“The Bishop said it all, as mere mortals there may be errors but our commitment  to do what is right is total. We will do our best but like I always say whatever I do I should be able to tell God why I did it. All what we require is your prayers and Nigeria will get to its destination. I wish you a prosperous 2014”.
Earlier, Bishop David Abioye, said that it was the prayer of Nigerians that has sustained the peace and guidance for the leadership.
“Our leaders are human, they are not angels, it is prayer that makes them to abide to the will of God. As we keep praying God keeps guiding our leaders. When we pray they gravitate towards what is good. That’s why the church must keep praying. They are guided by our prayers. They are the targets of the enemy.
“When a leader makes a wrong decision the whole people will be affected. Our leaders will not make wrong decisions. I want to at this time on the behalf of the church commend our president on one of the most recent decisions that he has taken. A decision in defence of the church, a decision in the morality of the nation.  a decision that protect the culture of the black race which I also believe is pace setting to other nations of Africa. That is the decision against the same sex marriage. It’s against ethics its against tradition its against humanity its against the will of God, its against everything.
“The Bible says righteousness exalts a nation, not human or international relations, not diplomacy, I acknowledge our President therefore keep doing what you are doing. We pray for you to keep doing what is right,” he said.

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