AirMagnet Enterprise

AirMagnet Enterprise is a centralized system that proactively protects WiFi networks and users from all types of threats, ensures maximum network performance and uptime and arms staff with the tools to solve problems quickly and remotely. AirMagnet Enterprise does this by going to the true source of WiFi threats and problems – the airspace itself.
The solution provides full-time automated analysis of all WiFi traffic, channels, devices, their connection state as well as optional spectrum analysis of non-WiFi devices and sources of interference. This full time view lets you get to the root-cause of any problem instead of just seeing the symptoms, while ensuring full visibility and control over the wireless boundary between your network assets and the outside world.
AirMagnet Enterprise takes action to defend the wireless environment by automatically blocking, tracing and mapping any threat in addition to an unmatched suite of event alerting, escalation, remote troubleshooting, forensic analysis, and professional PCI and compliance reporting. The end result is a unified system that keeps WiFi under your control – performing safely and meeting the needs of your users and applications.

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